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Frend ship centre

গাইবান্ধার ফুলছড়ি উপজেলার কঞ্চিপাড়া ইউনিয়নের মদনেরপাড়া গ্রামে অবস্থিত।


Rickshaws, autos and hired motorcycles can be used from Gaibandha district town.


A vast green field surrounded by stars along the Gaibandha-Balasi road, three kilometers from the town of Gaibandha. A large gate on one side. The name of this curious place-architecture is Friendship Center. The friendship center is located at Madanerpara village in Kanchipara union of Fulchhari upazila of Gaibandha. It is the office of a private development agency. The company works for the people of Char. The Friendship Center is an impeccable creation in the field of architecture. Which has surprised not only Gaibandha and our country but also the world. As a result of which multiple foreign awards have been matched. The Friendship Center is completely underground. That is, the roof of the building is flat. Various types of grass have been planted on the roof. Seen from above, the picture of the ancient Buddhist monastery of Mahasthangarh is very much visible. Anyone who sees that will naturally be overwhelmed. Various official activities are carried out in this building. There are training centers, indoor sports and accommodation. Everything inside is beautiful.

The company was inaugurated on November 18, 2012 at Madanerpara village on an eight-bigha land. The area of ​​the center building is 32 thousand square feet. The friendship center was built by a contractor called Urban Construction. It costs about eight crore rupees. It took about two years. There are two training centers here. One of them is an air conditioning center. The two centers will be able to train 200 people at a time. There are 24 residential rooms. There are five air-conditioners in the living room. All rooms can accommodate 50 people. The center has improved food arrangements. 80 people can eat together. There are five sewers for drainage. For those who live there, there are indoor sports facilities and a library for reading books. Keram, chess and badminton are played here every day. There are more than five hundred books in the library. The center has modern internet facilities and facilities for high quality music systems and multimedia projectors. If there is no electricity, there is also a system of own generator. The Friendship Center received the 'ARPLASD Award' in 2012 for its beautiful architecture. The award is given by the London-based organization Architex Review. Besides, Kashef Mahbub Chowdhury, the architect of the Friendship Center, has received the 'Agakhan Award for Architecture' this year. The award was given by the Switzerland-based Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN). The Friendship Center runs its activities on an average of about 25 days per month. Every day thousands of visitors flock to see the building built of locally made brick masonry.